ii ♥ youu
♥Sunday, August 30, 2009
Today woke up,...
lie on couch and thinking of things,...
"she" is so irritating!!!she thinks that she is always right but "she is not!!!"
she thinks she SO clever liddat!!!-.-
like nothing to do only-.-
hate her to the core!!!
WHOLE family all go kranji play horse,...
so me AND my brother when to watch movie^^
dad gave me $34 haha^^
then i watch "where got ghost"!!!
so scary !!!
cause we two were the only one who was seating infront!!!
everyone was seating behind3!!!
the movie is about comedy and horror^^


♥Friday, August 28, 2009
Today couldn't sleep properly as i feel that my whole body are ACHING!!!!
its like WTH!
so i woke up at 8am,...so bread on the table so ate 1 of them
after that on television then the pain started again-.-
i feel like no mood to "like" anyone anymore
its like I'm just wasting my time-.-
after that go on watching then after a while more then i went to take a bath
after that on computer then blahblahblah

to someone,...i do miss you but for some time i don't,...i don't understand my feelings for you,...so please give me some time^^


♥Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Today like wth,...
boring uh at school-.-
after school follow faisarah,atika,amalina8 and kar yee go buy thing^^
first went to popular cause faisarah want to buy full scape^^
then went mini toons to buy buy atika piggy bank and i bought new pencil box and spongebob^^
Then went to bazaar to see^^
then after that went homeeeeeeeeeeeeeee^^
saw dad on the way home anyway^^


♥Friday, August 21, 2009
Today went to school as per normal,..
reach class and saw that the arrangement were back to normal,yeahyeahyeah^^
then blah blah blah
akil ask for sweet again^^
then everything okay okay okay,...
then after school followed shanjif go do his library duty first till 1pm
shock that kok song was just infront of me about 100km away and yet i can't see him^^
then shanjif said"is the head big enough for euu to see",..then i laugh till tears came down^^
then went to the shelter then for awhile then went to pasta mania,...
but too bad too many people so went to BANQUET to eat instead^^
i ate laksa(yumyumyum^^)hehehe
then walking half way then saw "THEM" i was kinda jealous ah,,...i also don't know why uh,...^^
then saw my mom then walking near the road then saw my dad^^haha coincidence!!!
then went home do everything then on laptop and shock that kok song haven come back yet^^haha
then siblings called many times i think^^
then after that i offline then online back again,...
kinda boring uh^^

♥Thursday, August 20, 2009
O-M-G!!!wake up today and scared to do anything^^
today went to the mini mart first to buy a pink dolphin and a mentos^^
after that walk to school,..
half way saw kok song taxi haha(turn another direction so that he cannot see me!^^)
after that went to class,...
when i reach class i felt like i was TOO early then i look around seeing I'm the only girl haha!!!
then just waited then akil came to me then blah blah blah,...
after that girls started to come one by one...
then waited for Mr Tan to come then talk talk talk
then after that had to go computer lab to do some survey,...
and guess what I seat beside SHANJIF ^^ yeahyeahyeah!!!
after that finish then go back to class,,,,
waited for miss Renu
she came then let us watch about a 9-11 plane that crashed the twin tower in New York):
many lives were gone,..i watch it until my heart very pain and sad):
after that it was music,...hate the teacher to the core!!!
after that recess,...
then art(boring!!!)
then English and maths okokok
after that CPA!!!
i tick "D" but i go write "A"!!!!
mistake sial!!!!
then after school akil wanted to come my house but today i need go somewhere(sorry akil^^)haha
then after that saw kok song,shahfudin,andiq,haziq and faiz^^
walk with them then half way they go then i go shop buy curry puff and pink dolphin again^^
then suddenly andiq and faiz came
so blanja andiq Bandung then there he goes^^
then went home then open laptop then blah blah blah


♥Wednesday, August 19, 2009


♥Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Today is like a @#!$%&&&^%$$#@@!!!!!!
Kay don't care^^
walking to the lift when suddenly kar yee sms me"rmb to bring your thumb drive"-.-(she uh,...the only one who likes to remind people uh^^)haha
then ran home like crazy then take the thumb drive and walk to school,...reach school kar yee look at me like crazy girl liddat-.-haha
then teacher came
then saw amalina8 crying then all bestiez went to her place to ask what happen,,....^^(so caring)
then wanted to refill water(actually pink dolphin hehehe^^)ask ilham to follow me(thx2)
then reach the damn stall then say bell liao only can sell WATER!!!ARGH!
then went back to class with water only-.-
then maths i got 24/25(yeah!!!)not trying to act^^
then after that blah blah,...
then CPA "SOMEONE NO MOOD"so didn't play2 with "SOMEONE"
then after that English Mr Euan didn't come school (yeah),...everyone so noisy^^
then SOMETHING happen then blah blah,...
after school me,akil,ilham bring Sabrina home then half way luqman came so continued all the way
wanted to buy curry puff!!!sad sad no more:(
after that went home then at 3pm went causeway and waited Sabrina at Burger King,...
then tried calling her but never answer haish-.-
then saw her then went buy my seaweed shaker fries,yeah yeah then went library,..
suddenly got this "WEIRD" three guys keep staring at me and Sabrina,...so we thought there was something wrong with us so we ask each other haha
then after that go down the library got guys looking at us again!!!
crazy peoples^^
after that go arcade then in the lift got people looking at us AGAIN!!!
today what day sia
staring people day^^
hehehe,..k diam2 lurh kimkim^^
after that go see marcus all,...
then for awhile i go home cause i need take my brother,..then blah blah


♥Monday, August 17, 2009
Today is SO awesome!!!
went school ask faisarah to follow me go buy pink dolphin and secretly put it in my bottle^^(faisarah BEST2)
after that waited for exam to start,cool Miss Ang gonna watch us again^^(anyway i bullied kok song again^^haha,took his cube^^)
after blah blah then it was English^^
1st: revind(clap x1)
2nd: SHANJIF^^(clap x2)
After that fun then went home(it was raining,Marcus and revind)^^,...shafiq said it^^
then ran home as fast as i could^^
then took a shower then open laptop and I'm still waiting for 3,15 so that i could go sabrina house now and fetch her then go play soccer with THEM^^

:)kimkim(out to play in 4 minutes time!!!)

♥Sunday, August 16, 2009
Today was just a BORING DAY,...if you were ME!!!
wake up today and waited for my auntie to go down with me to buy carrot cake(MY FAVOURITE!!!)
but after a awhile she say i go down myslef(i was like wth,...should have told me earlier-.-)
then i saw my brother woke up so carried him and ran out of the house(didn't care if he was crying(HAHA)
after that went down to buy many things so since they gave me $50!!!i used it o buy sweets & drinks(naughty2 ME!)
then came back home,...then started eating(yumyumyum!)
after i wanted to sew my pants(i want to make it into 3/4)
then it took me an hour just to fixed everything in place(i haven sew anything yet-.-)
then i look at time and i forget to shower!!!
so hurried stop everything and went to take a shower(REFRESHING^^)
after that tired of doing the sewing machine so just went to watch OKTO^^
after that i got tired of watching OKTO so open some new CD'S my auntie bought(is MR Bean! haha,my favourite)
then watch until it was 6pm+(I'm hungry liao^^)
so grabbed something to eat and started watching,playing computer and eating at the same time^^)
after that someone called me then blah X2

♥Thursday, August 13, 2009
Today as per normal again,...-.-lol
went school around 7.05am reach there after a few minutes,...
then saw Sabrina going up the staircase then said hi but never wait for me-.-haha!!!NVM^^!!!!
after that took temperature waited for Mr Tan to come to class then started the maths comment test but it was Miss Ang who was with us in the class cause maybe Mr Tan need to attend something k blah,...
let's talk about other things ^^
after P.E was fun after that recess,...
then science still remembering about the mistake i made!!!instead of VAGINA i put RECTUM!!!urh!!!lol!
after school went lepak for awhile then when 883 saw mohd and KOK SONG!!!he lie to me sia-.-say he going home but never go home
then after buying bubble tea we all walk to a shelter for awhile first then after awhile a group of "Indian guys"came seating infront of us so don't care uh cause that is not our place marh,...
after that saw Marcus,,mohd,KOK SONG AND ,...SHANJIF!!!!KOK SONG lie again!!!!-.-
haha,whatever me^^
after went home nothing to eat then eat Maggi^^then online after blah blah

Today wake up as per normal,..eye very tired(dun want to open^^)
then prepared everything then went to bath,...after that went to school,...
i was shocked that today akil will come school,lol!
And "********" was like"OMG,HAMSTER COME!!!i thought he never come seyy^^
then after exam finish i was very crossed cause i forget the part of the girl underneath(its vagina!not rectum!!die!!!)^^haha,Mr khairul gonna scold me for sure!!!haha!!!
we could seat anywhere during social studies all the way to maths-.-(i hate it,when she comes,^^ have to change seats again,haish)
during CPA i bullied kok song again haha!!!
after school go lepak with Sabrina,atika and akil,...
then akil said he wanted to go school for awhile then atika said she want to go home,...
so me and Sabrina was looking at each other's eye thinking of where to go,...
then she said she had to go home so i went home first and play computer,...
in the end akil sms me then only i remember that i forget to say to akil that we were going,...haha!!


♥Wednesday, August 12, 2009
today,as per normal....bored waiting for the time to start the exam-.-,......
after finish had to go back to our original seat!!!(I HATE IT-.-)
so everything in school was fine,...
then after school me, atika,faisarah,amalina8,Sabrina and seri went to "study" at the library but before going we eat something light first,...
after eating then go up,....after that Sabrina went home at 1.30pm first cause she need go somewhere i think^^
then we all waited till 2pm then went home,...
after go home i on my phone and say Marcus called me 3 times,..so i called back and shafiq or rohan ask if i could go down and play soccer with them,...
then i had to take my brother so i just said yes,...
then after taking my brother then went home do all the things that had to be done then online(waiting for pet society -.-)still got error!!!


♥Tuesday, August 11, 2009
wake up at 6.30am(as usual),pack everything ready but dissapointed to see my uniform haven iron yet!!!so had to iron it myself-.-,...after ironing it,i had to hurry go shower and finish tying up my darn hair-.-
so after that,i walk to school then walk up to class then i got lost where to seat(haha,paisey),...then only i remember that there is comment test today,hehehe.....
after comment test,noise became louder again,lol....
then everything was fine until CPA^^
irritating uh that kok song^^,...
then i took his files,books and papers then don't want give him back,haha(so bad uh me^^)
then after going class beat him how many times(for no reason)poor thing^^
after school bought ice-cream then wait for amalina8(BF)with kar yee and faisarah at Fushan Garden,...
after that left her there with the BF alone^^haha(bad2 us^^)
then walk across the street then say bye2 to faisarah and kar yee^^
then reach home(no one-.-,no food,so just eat banana and drink juice,hehehe^^)


♥Saturday, August 8, 2009
Today woke up at 7am just to go and see my brother's national day parade,..-.-
it was so freakingly boring at first cause we had to wait for the "VIP"...
after that i get so boring that i ask my dad $$$ then go buy food and drinks cause I'm hungry already!!!lol^^
after awhile 'VIP' walk here and there then later it was the "kids"turn,...so cute hehehe
after marching all it was time for the performers to prepare everything,...
then after watching,i think the best is the YMCA group,they so cute sia!!!if you guys were there i think you will maybe love it ^^.......
it finish around 11am,...so long sia still need to take photo here and there-.-
my mom went home first cause she had a stomach ache^^
then after that me and my brother go home first cause my dad want go buy batteries for the cooker???i don't understand that,hehehe^^
after that i at home hurry go shower cause its so darn HOT!!!then after that i computer then wallah^^

i hope nobody spam my blog^^
chilled:Kimmy AKA Smurf...

Spam for all i care! (:
have your own originality,
DON'T ever copy my styles


14 going 15!


~checkered shoes!
~And HIM!

making-sweetnessFengHao/Baby korkor

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