Woke up still having fever
worse of all its 38.9!!!
but i still don't care and go school!!!
cause stay at home boring!
anyway today mom's birthday!
then reach school drank milo waited for everyone?
kar yee didn't come don't know why?
maybe go meet boyfriend haha!!!
no luh, joking no offence!!!
after school ate with Sabrina then saw amalina and zezaqel
so waited for them to eat then off we go to rahmat's block (:
there was andiq, akil, rahmat, faiz
then waited for faisarah then haziq and shahfudin came (:
someone happy luh, haha!!!
then took MANY videos & pictures!!!
totally had fun today yannow!
called him & txt him too!!!!
Missed him so much sial!
so touched by what he said to me (:
anyway got theme song with him liao (:
kay stop my crappings now (:
at 4+ went causeway point to buy mom's present,
went metro and bought for her translucent sleep wear!
since she likes wearing those type so bought for her lorh?
you know how much?
$30+ for just 1 pair!
expensive but worth it cause got give free t-back!
then went home,
gave my mom the present
,went toilet
then ate spaghetthi (:
then charge my PHONES
then after awhile then online,
gotta admit it that it is boring to online now adays-.-
kay luh i got nothing to write liao?